Apanasana (Knees To Chest Pose) : How to do it? Precautions and benefits
Apana is a Sanskrit word that refers to one of the five Pranic energies or vital energies in the body, which flow in specific directions. Apana is associated with the downward flow of energy and governs the processes of elimination and release.The asana known as Apanasana is a gentle, restorative pose that is often used in yoga to stimulate the downward flow of energy and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. The exact origin of this pose is unclear, but it has been a part of the traditional practice of yoga for many centuries and is commonly found in modern yoga classes and programs.Apan Vayu Apan Vayu is one of the five vayus in Hinduism, which refers to the five fundamental winds or energies that govern the body and…