Padangusthasana (Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose) : Step by Step Instructions, Benefits, Contraindications and Cautions.
PadangusthasanaTranslated as hand to big toe poseThis posture is variation to utanasana , Utana word means to elongate , intense stretch and forward extension , in this posture whole rear body is stretched from bottom of the feet all the way upto crown of the head, spine is in forward fold position and hip is hinged to its max that let the head remain below heart which makes this posture half inversion leading towards heavy blood circulation towards head.Step by step instructionsStart from tadasana or samasathiti as a starting position where you stand tall keeping whole body in straight line and aligned positionRaise your hands up as you inhale and elongate your spine to create a good space for forward bend.With exhalation reach your hands forward and grab your toes…