Hanumanasana : How to Do It, Benefits and Precautions?

Hanuman asana refers to the position in which lord Hanumana in the epic scripture Ramayana, jumbed taking a huge leap over the ocean to Sri Lanka, to take such a big jump Hanumana took a leg forward and back leg was straight backword, also known as front split.How to do HanumanasanaStart in tadaasna and come in low lunge position while the right knee is bent 90degrees and back leg knee is on the floor.Now slowly first straighten your front leg and bend forward over the front leg then bend the right knee back to its previous position and try straitening the left leg while gently bending backward.Now straighten the front completely and push the back leg backword to straighten the back leg and touch the thigh on the floor.Now raise…
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Kapalbhati Pranayama – Benefits, How to Do It, and Precautions.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybTBRXPjhS0 Kapalbhati Pranayama – Benefits, How to Do It, and Precautions. Yoga originated in ancient India and has been a part of our culture since then. It is a set of physical, spiritual, and mental exercises that are practiced for our well-being. It has now become popular as a form of physical exercise in the west, too. Yoga reduces stress and promotes good physical health and mental well-being. Kapalbhati Pranayam or Pranayama is a popular yoga asana. Read on to know all about it. What is Kapalbhati Pranayama? Kapalbhati Pranayam is a type of breathing exercise which promotes overall well-being and good health. ‘Kapalbhati’ means ‘shining forehead’ in Sanskrit and ‘Pranayam’ means ‘breathing exercise’. It is named so because practising Kapalbhati is said to improve mental health and intellect. It…
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Boost Your Immunity with these Ayurvedic Herbs

Presently the whole world is infected by the deadly Corona Virus. Many peoples are getting infected and dying due to the Novel Corona Virus, COVID 19. Till now scientists all around the world are working day and night to find the vaccine that can fight with COVID 19 virus. But the speedy spreading of the virus is the major problem that the whole world is facing right now. It results in the complete shutdown of the cities and the running wheel of the economy but above all these, it results in the loss of life of the humans. Visit Us : https://www.vinyasayogaashram.com/Scientists reveal the fact that the "Immunity" is the key to fighting against this virus. The person with a good immunity power or defense system can heal himself fastly…
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True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life.

Were you ever a person who thought that you couldn’t do yoga or didn't want to start yoga until you lost a bit of weight? Throughout my life, I’ve encountered several people who I suggested to start a yoga practice for all the benefits, and they’re reply is “I think I’ll need to lose a bit more weight” or “I’m not flexible enough to do yoga” or sometimes even “I’m not strong enough”. These replies are usually in response to what is being portrayed as Yoga in the general media, which is generally being able to stand on your hands or its being able to contort your body into very complicated but beautiful shapes. It’s normal for a person to be self conscious about not being able to do what…
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How Yoga helps me to balance my life.

My yoga journey started a bit more than half a year ago. As I came home from a 6 months trip to Europe, I was entering slowly in a “dolce far niente” mood. I felt my mood was shifting from being positive towards indifference. And don’t think that I reach the stage of Holy Indifference. It was just pure indifference towards anything that surrounds me, my body also started feeling really weak. One day though, as I was browsing on Instagram, I saw a post of a friend of mine who is a teacher in a yoga studio. The next day I was already equipped for the yoga session. When we met, she was surprised, as she gets a lot of inquiries from friends, but few actually join. It was an…
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A Gift of Time

It’s times like this, when the world as a whole is suffering, that the real practice of yoga takes place. To put it simply, yoga means unity and the one truth at the heart of our existence is that all is one. Everything that is happening outside of us is a reflection of our own individual inner worlds. There is no separation. Humanity, as a collective, is suffering together. Yet, at the same time we have been separated, isolated. We can see this as a reflection of how we are all still divided, living as though we are separate from one another. This time is a blessing, an opportunity to go within ourselves and do the inner work that needs to be done. It’s a time of self-reflection and creativity.…
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Pranayama and Our Immunity.

Pranayama exercises like Anuloma Viloma and Kapalabhati, a series of Surya Namaskar as well as asanas that stimulate the lungs and increases the inhalation capacity. These the yogic practice focuses on the improvement of our immune system, with a focus on our lungs and respiratory tract.Anuloma Viloma or alternate nostril breathing involves breathing in from one nostril and breathing out from the other, it is also known as Nadi Shodhana, this practice helps to balance the central nervous system and it is so effective that the capacity of oxygen intake increases in the lungs as well as for cardio-pulmonary functioning.Kapalabhati is one of the shat kriyas - six cleansing practices -  Kapalahbhati is an exercise that cleanses the throat and lungs and stimulates the abdominal muscles and organs. It consists…
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Meditation Techniques for Beginners and Benefits

We spend so many of our days simply thinking – about our next work project, what’s for dinner, or that argument with our spouse yesterday. The thoughts keep coming and eventually, it all builds up to make us feel like we are going to pop like a balloon. When we can learn to let go of our thoughts and know they do not control us, we can open ourselves to a whole new world of possibilities while gaining a sense of inner peace to guide us through our lives. Have any queries? Get answer from Best Yoga School in Rishikesh. Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used throughout many cultures. In the yogic tradition, the practice of moving through the physical postures was thought to prepare the body…
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