What is Paschimottanasana? Its Benefits, Step-by-Step Instructions, Common Mistakes & Precautions

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2YZyJY7rZ4&feature=youtu.beThe name comes from the Sanskrit words Paschim ( paścima) meaning "west" or "the back of the body, uttana (uttāna) meaning "intense stretch" or "straighten" or "extension; and asana (āsana) meaning "posture" or "seat" It is a classic pose from Hatha yoga. It gives the whole back of your body a good stretch, from your calves to your hamstrings (back of the thighs) to your spine.Have any queries? get answer from Yoga school in RishikeshPaschimottanasana Benefits:This pose stretches these areas and helps open up your hips. This stretch is excellent for runners who tend to have tight hamstrings. It is also considered to be a calming pose. It is said that this pose can help relieve stress and even improve your mood.Paschimottanasana Step-by-Step Instructions:Begin by coming to Staff Pose (Dandasana) with…
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How yoga helps balance our life.

So many times we go through a day and have so much chattering going on in our mind. We worry about family, friends, work. We worry about conversations we had, words we regretted saying, or wish we had said. We worry about the future, about what tomorrow will bring.It all feels pretty overwhelming and we wish we could hit “pause” just for a slight moment, just to finally take a breath. But what if we could actually do it? Stop for a moment? Not suspend time, but suspend ourselves? It is a practice of consciously dedicating time for our wellbeing. It can start by simply breathing in and out and noticing how we feel in that moment. Noticing the sound of our breathe or if it’s cool or warm. Sounds…
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Meditation and Immunity

Nowadays most of us are combating stress and finding balance in our daily life. In Indian tradition meditation used to be the essential part of our life and now new research suggests that mindfulness meditation can have benefits for health, including improved immune function, reduced blood pressure and enhanced cognitive function. Our immune system is not just a physical mechanism used to fight disease. It actually transmits your thoughts and moods to your cells. Make sure you send the right messages. In the early 80’s it was discovered that our immune system is very intelligent and it is also known as  “a floating brain”. Your thoughts, moods, sensations, and expectations are transmitted to your immune cells. When you meditate, these messages change in important ways. Since we are continuously surrounded…
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Support Your Immune System With These 5 Yoga Poses for Immunity

Support Your Immune System With These 5 Yoga Poses for Immunity: Sitting and Breathing (Sukhasana and Pranayama) ... Sukhasana - The easy or pleasant posture I relish the feeling of peace and quietude, ensuring it extends to all activities through the day. Sukhasana, as its name suggests is a simple posture that can be maintained easily for a long time. It enables one to steady the mind and body. Half Lord of the Fishes (Ardha Matsyendrasana) ... Good for increasing the flexibility and function of vertebrae of the spine,stretches back muscle and spine,cures constipation and indigestion,helps to increases oxygen supply to the lungs,releases stiffness of hip jointsand beneficial for slipped disc patient. Supported Fish Pose (Matsyasana ) ...   Stretches and stimulates the muscles of the belly and front of the neck ,stretches the deep…
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