How does Sattvic Food Help in Yoga?
How does Sattvic Food Help in Yoga? Yoga is a devotion. So, there are certain rules to follow while worshipping yoga. When you are observing an Upvas (or Fast), then what type of food do you eat? There are different types of fast observed in India. Similarly, that type of food is needed when you are doing yoga. It is known as Sattvic Food. So, now, let's understand what is Sattvic Food? In our Vedic texts and Ayurveda, food is divided into three parts: Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. Rajasic food was prepared in the house of kings and maharajas, that is, ghee, oil and spices are used more. Tamasic food includes meat-fish, garlic-onion etc., while the simple food of sages and saints is called sattvic food. It is considered the…