
Navasana or Naukasana (Boat Pose): How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Navasana or Naukasana (Boat Pose): How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

This posture is named after the shape it takes – that of a boat, and is commonly called Boat pose.It forms a part of the Padma Sadhana sequence, where this yoga pose is practiced after Dhanurasana (Bow Pose). Navasana or Naukasana (Boat Pose) Method:Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body.Take a deep breath in and as you exhale, lift your chest and feet off the ground, stretching your arms towards your feet.Your eyes, fingers and toes should be in a line.Feel the tension in your navel area as the abdominal muscles contract.Keep breathing deeply and easily while maintaining the pose.As you exhale, come back to the ground slowly and relax. Navasana or Naukasana (Boat Pose) Benefits:It helps in strengthening the back and abdominal muscles and tones…
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Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose) : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

BaddhakonasanaTranslated as Butterfly poseBaddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose) Method:Step by Step Instructionssit with legs straight out in front of you. Exhale and bend your knees, and pull your heels towards the pelvis.Drop your knees out to the sides and press the soles of feet together.Bring your heels as close to pelvis as you can.Grab the big toe to each foot with first two fingers and thumb. Try to keep the outer edges of feet on the floor.Sit with tailbone in back and pubis equidistant from the floor. Lengthen the front torso through the top of the sternum.Don’t force knees down. Instead release the heads of thigh bones towards the floor.Stay in the pose for 1-5 minutes. Inhale and lift your knees away from the floor and extend the legs back to…
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Garudasana (Eagle Pose) : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Garudasana Also known as Eagle pose.Garuda was considered King of birds and also represented as Lord Vishnu's vehicle.Garudasana comes from the ancient Hatha yoga practice. It is an intermediate hip-closing pose which requires the practitioner to intertwine their arms and legs and balance all their body weight on one foot.This pose improves balance, calms the mind and strengthens the ankles, knees and calves while gently stretching the hip, shoulders, thighs, upper-back.Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Step by Step Instruction1) Stand in tadasan, slightly bend left leg and firmly plant it on the floor, slowly lift right leg up.2) Place your right thigh high across the left thigh(cross-legged) and aim to wrap your right leg on top of left leg, by taking your right shin behind your left calf.3) Try to hook your…
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Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose: How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose: How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

GOMUKHASAN Gomukhasan is a Cow face posture which is basically a seated yoga posture in hatha yoga. Steps -1- Sit on the mat with your straight back and legs should be extended.2- Bend your right leg and place it under the left buttock and simultaneously your left knee should be placed Over the right knee.3- Raise your left arm above your head and bend the elbow towards the back. The same time right arm should be kept behind the back and both the arms should be interlocked at the back.4- Breathe normally and stay in the asana as long as you are comfortable.5- while exhaling, come out of the Asana.6- Same procedure should be done with the opposite leg and arm.Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose Precautions1- Your body has certain limits.…
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Ustrasana, Ushtrasana, or Camel Pose : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Ushtrasana, also known as Camel Pose is a kneeling back-bending asana. The name comes from the Sanskrit words,  Ustra meaning "camel", and  Asana meaning "posture" or "seat". Ustrasana, Ushtrasana, or Camel Pose Step-by-Step Instructions Starting Position: Vajrasana Stand on the knees. Keep the thighs fully straight. Keep the knees and feet together. Lean in the backward direction. Slowly move more backward. Reach the right heel with the right hand, and the left heel with the left hand. Avoid straining the body. Push the hips in the forward direction. The thighs should be kept vertical. Then bend the head and the spine as backward and as far as possible without straining. Relax the body and the muscles of the back. Support the body weight equally on the legs and arms. Keep…
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Vakrasana or Half Spinal Twist Pose: How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Vakrasana or the Twisted Pose makes the spine flexible and removes fat around the waist. In Sanskrit Vakra means twisted and asana is a pose. In Vakrasana, the trunk is twisted to either side and is practiced in the sitting position. It is a good twisting pose for beginners. Those who cannot perform Ardha Matsyendrasana can perform Vakrasana to get similar benefits. It's one of the postures which is explained in traditional hatha yoga, it’s a sitting posture technique: How to Do Vakrasana or Half Spinal Twist Pose? - Step by Step Instructions Sit in dandasana, the stick pose, both legs together and arms by the side of buttocks, upper body is an angle of 90 with lower body 2.fold right leg, place the ankle aligned with opposite knee, knee…
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Shirshasan (Headstand Pose) : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Shirshasan (Headstand Pose) : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Shirshasan (Headstand Pose) Procedure ⁃             Sit in vajrasan ⁃             Relax the body and close eyes for few seconds ⁃             Now lean forward and interlock the fingers on the back of the head and head and arms on the mat ⁃             Distance between Elbows should be equal to distance between interlocked finger and an elbow ⁃             Now lift your back of the body to form a right triangle where your back and legs represent hypotenuse. ⁃             Now walk slowly towards the elbows ⁃             Bend the knees slightly, bend the thighs against the chest and abdomen ⁃             Now slowly raise one leg above the mat by 20 cms and do the same with other leg. ⁃             Now raise the lower legs in a controlled movement, adjust the trunk slightly to counter balance…
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Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Adho Mukha Svanasana Translation  Downward facing dog pose Adho mukha svanasana is performed in almost every type of yoga practice be it Ashtanga vinyasa hatha yoga , Vikram yoga , Iyenger yoga etc. It may be done in slight different e.g. In the sequence of Ashtanga vinyasa it is one of the most frequently practiced posture throughout the sequence,  it is part of Sun salutation A and Sun salutation B as a resting and restoration posture which allows practitioner to regulate the breathing for maintaining the physical, physiological,  and mental calmness. This Asana is also used as the transition of all seated poses in Ashtanga vinyasa yoga style. In Hatha yoga this posture could be seen in different variation Named as Parvatasana(mountain pose) also part of traditional Surya namskar practice.…
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Halasana or Plough Pose : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Halasana or Plough Pose : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

What is Halasana or Plough Pose? The word hal means plough, an irrigation  equipment used for ploughing the fields or gardens before sowing, the position of the body is such in this position that resembles plough, it is one of the inverted postures in shoulder stand sequence in Ashtanga vinyasa tradition. Halasana or Plough Pose Step by step instructions Lie down on your back in supine position, while you keep you legs straight and together and palms by the thighs facing down. Press on to palms engage your abdominal muscles and raise your legs together. Lift your leg so high that whole body come in straight line position from shoulders to the feet, chest will touch the chin and head And shoulders are still on the mat pressing on the…
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Ustrasana (Camel Pose) : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Ustrasana (Camel Pose) : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

What is Ustrasana (Camel Pose)?As the name suggests, in the posture body is positioned to imitate camel , practitioner should try to make hump on the chest by pushing the rib cage upword to open up the chest.Ustrasana (Camel Pose) MethodThere is a traditional method to perform Ustrasana where we start from kneel down position, knees are put hip with apart and hands are raised over head and after performing a deep spinal extension (back bend) hands are kept on the heels, this method requires strong spine and very flexible spine otherwise it could lead to lower back pain through compression specially for beginnersUstrasana (Camel Pose) Method 2Start from Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose) separate the knees and feet hip with apart , place the palms on heelspush the sitting bones towards…
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