
Apanasana (Knees To Chest Pose) : How to do it? Precautions and benefits

Apana is a Sanskrit word that refers to one of the five Pranic energies or vital energies in the body, which flow in specific directions. Apana is associated with the downward flow of energy and governs the processes of elimination and release.The asana known as Apanasana is a gentle, restorative pose that is often used in yoga to stimulate the downward flow of energy and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. The exact origin of this pose is unclear, but it has been a part of the traditional practice of yoga for many centuries and is commonly found in modern yoga classes and programs.Apan Vayu Apan Vayu is one of the five vayus in Hinduism, which refers to the five fundamental winds or energies that govern the body and…
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Corpse Pose (Savasana) : How to Do It, Benefits & Precautions

Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose, is a simple yet powerful yoga pose. It's an essential part of all yoga classes and can have many positive effects on your body and mind. So if you're looking for a way to relax and rejuvenate yourself, read on to learn more about Savasana!Introduction to Corpse Pose (Savasana)Corpse pose, also known as Savasana, is a restorative and relaxing yoga pose that is often practiced at the end of a yoga class. The word "Savasana" comes from the Sanskrit word meaning "corpse," and that's exactly what this pose looks like. You lie on your back with your legs and arms extended, and simply let go. This may sound easy, but it can be quite challenging to truly relax the body and mind.There are many…
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Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): How to Do It, Benefits & Precautions

Bridge pose also known as Setu (Bridge) Bandha (Lock) Sarva (All) Anga (limbs) Asana  (Posture) is a very commonly used posture in most Yoga classes. This is one of the first back-bending Yoga postures that many new students learn. Also, it is a preparatory posture for the wheel pose. This posture is great in terms of heart opening while ensuring spinal health and strengthening hips. How to Do Bridge pose? Lie on your back in the supine position Bend your knees and bring both heels closer to sitting bones feet flat on the mat and knees facing up Keep your legs hip-width distance apart Hands straight on the mat fingers facing the hips, palm facing down Pressing strongly on the hands, lift the hips off the floor Lift the chest…
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Cat Pose (Marjaryasana) : How to Do It, Benefits & Precautions

Marjaryasana (Marjarya meaning cat). This pose is also called a Cat pose and is very commonly used in all Yoga Schools. The spine is our body’s central support structure and helps to stand and maintain the center of gravity and is a connecter between different parts of our body.  Cat pose works on improving the mobility, stability and flexibility of muscles around the spine and thereby improving other areas like shoulder stability, wrist extension and strong core. This posture can be used in different ways to make it a part of a strong active workout. What is the Benefit of a Cat post? Strengthens the arms wrist and shoulders: Regular practice of cat and cow will help with the wrist extension which is very commonly used in most Yoga postures.…
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Yoga and Meditation Centers in Rishikesh, India

“Yoga” and “Meditation” have become the most popular practices for curing Physical, Mental, and Emotional illnesses and also for achieving Spiritual strength. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj, which means "to yoke" or "to unite". The practice seeks to unite the body, mind, and spirit, as well as the individual self and universal consciousness. The increasing popularity of yoga has also increased the demand for yoga and meditation centers and what could be the best place for these than Rishikesh—The Yoga Capital itself? Here, you will find many kinds of yoga and meditation classes in Rishikesh, the question that you should be asking yourself is how you are going to know which is the one for you, and read below to find out. How to choose a Yoga…
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What is Loving and Kindness Meditation?

What is Meditation? To meditate means to pay full attention to something. It doesn’t mean running away from life or wanting to activate your kundalini. Instead, it’s an opportunity to look deeply into ourselves and into the situation we’re in. So often in our daily lives we just get caught up in the spiral of negative emotions such as hating, disliking, and non-satisfaction and end up blaming others and ourselves for the whole misery. What we need more in our life is love, care, and kindness for ourselves and everyone around us. However, it is never easy to do this activity in every given situation because it is difficult to respond with love and kindness when it is not reciprocated from the other end. Hence, actively practicing love and kindness…
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Yoga Teacher Certification Courses in India

We all know that a Yoga Alliance USA-certified yoga center is the first requirement and that is something that almost every yoga teacher training school in Rishikesh can provide as all of them are usually Registered Yoga Schools. Yoga teacher certification in India is spread out in different parts of the country, but it is predominantly existing in Rishikesh, India due to its spiritual importance. If you haven’t been to Rishikesh, then let us help you paint an honest picture in your mind. The city is known as the capital of yoga and you are about to find out why? Every next street you walk into hosts a minimum of four to five yoga schools and each holding a certification from Yoga Alliance USA. It’s no wonder yoga students or yoga…
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Importance of Alignment and Adjustment in Yoga

Correct posture is what alignment offers your body! but is it this simple to find alignment in your postures? We all think that we are the only ones who cannot do a particular pose. And when we can’t, we believe that there is “something wrong” with our posture. Well, understanding the reality of human variation and your uniqueness will help you sweep away these delusions. Feel a little relaxed in knowing that you are not the only one who cannot do a particular posture! You are unique, and that uniqueness is what makes the difference between what “everyone” seems to be able to do and what you can do.All the yoga students and yoga teachers in Rishikesh have the same desire: It would sure be great if every person’s body was the…
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What is Mudra in Yoga? – How to Do It, Benefits, Importance & Types

What is Mudra in Yoga? According to the Vedic culture of ancient India, our entire world is made of ‘the five elements’ called The Panch-Maha-Bhuta. The five elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Space/Vacuum. They are also called the earth element, water element, fire element, wind element, and space element. These five elements constitute the human body – the nutrients from the soil (earth) are absorbed by the plants which we consume (thus we survive on the earth element), the blood flowing through our own veins represents the water element, the body heat represents the fire element, the oxygen we inhale and the carbon dioxide we exhale represents the wind element and the sinuses we have in our nose and skull represent the space element. As long as these…
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Yoga Philosophy and Its Importance in Daily Life

Today Vinyasa Yoga Ashram's blog explores the multitudes of yoga philosophy and how it is useful in the modern world. Philosophies are the heart of any topic you want to understand, so isn’t it important to bring your heart to the right place before you aim for the unitive state of mind, body, and spirit? What is Philosophy? The English word philosophy originates from the Greek word- philosophia which means the love of wisdom. However, for many, philosophy is that guiding light that employs the intellect to answer the most controversial questions. It also refers to the study of the fundamental nature of any topic and provides a firm base for discoveries and learning. Why Yoga Philosophy? Yoga Philosophy is one of the six systems of Hindu Philosophy which exist…
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