Vakrasana or the Twisted Pose makes the spine flexible and removes fat around the waist. In Sanskrit Vakra means twisted and asana is a pose. In Vakrasana, the trunk is twisted to either side and is practiced in the sitting position. It is a good twisting pose for beginners. Those who cannot perform Ardha Matsyendrasana can perform Vakrasana to get similar benefits.
It’s one of the postures which is explained in traditional hatha yoga, it’s a sitting posture technique:
How to Do Vakrasana or Half Spinal Twist Pose? – Step by Step Instructions
- Sit in dandasana, the stick pose, both legs together and arms by the side of buttocks, upper body is an angle of 90 with lower body
2.fold right leg, place the ankle aligned with opposite knee, knee pointing upward the right hand behind the body, near to buttocks the left elbow by the outer side of right leg, folded left arm, press the elbow again the right-side thigh and twist your spine from the base of lower abdomen
- look towards the right side, open your shoulder, stay the for ten to fifteen breaths, natural breathing
6.come back in the reverse way and relax
- do the same with opposite side too
Vakrasana or Half Spinal Twist Pose Benefits
it helps to improve the flexibility of spine, giving a good massage to the visceral organs, good for the people having mild lower back pain, for beginners it’s good posture, which prepares them to do advanced twisting postures.
Vakrasana or Half Spinal Twist Pose Precautions
People who are suffering from severe lumbar spondylitis, hernia should avoid this posture, people have cervical spondylitis should do it without giving a pressure on the neck.
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